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How is it already August?

Needless to say- this summer has flown by. I'd love to say I've been busy adventuring, traveling, and experiencing new things these past 2 months, but in reality my summer has been filled with working, sleeping, eating, and repeating (bleh reality). However, in less than 10 days, I will begin a chapter in my life filled with new people and places. While such a season of change can be an intimidating thing, I have never been more excited for what's to come. I mean how many times in your life will you be given the opportunity to be living in a shoebox with your best friend?

I'm not entirely sure what direction I am going to take this blog post, but I think it will be nostalgic for future me to look back on what I had to say about my upcoming crazy adventure: college. I mean, is it possible to be sad at the thought of something coming to an end even though it hasn't even begun yet? (thanks to Google, yes it is: look up saudade and fall deep in the feels). This time of mixed emotions is so real- I am beyond ready for my move-in-day to be here, yet simultaneously I am urging time to slow down.

1 Peter 5:6-7 states "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." I've touched on this verse before, but what better time than now to elaborate on it. For those of you who are uneasy for this upcoming chapter in your life, consumed with thoughts of doubt and anxiety, trust in Him. No matter if you're heading to a university some distance away or staying close to home, change is change and can be composed of the smallest of things. However, once you leave your worries into the hands of God, opportunity arises. New friendships, new cities, new experiences and memories are waiting to be made, beginning with us all opening up to the idea that change is a beautiful thing.

If you're someone who has been waiting for this time to come since they were like 14 (pretty much me) then humble yourself as well. While this chapter in your life will be full of highs, it will have its fair share of lows that you may have not anticipated. Do not let these moments bring you down. Again, trust in Him and the process. You will not be able to truly cherish the great moments and newly written chapters of "your book" without understanding what the not-so-great moments are like. Timing is a weird thing, but the future isn't! What's to come is going to be incredible, life changing (for real thooo), epic, and, yes, even at times, boring and uneventful. But hey those nights in the library are what's going to get you to the weekend, so study on my friends!

It's all about enjoying life- the good, the bad, the ugly. The doubts, the anxiety, the worries...the excitement, the joy, the happiness. Here's to new chapters of life with Him by our side.

Much love,

Brooke XO

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